Our crew talked about a great tool for writing long form documents and projects called Scrivener. It’s now out on both Mac and iOS. Windows users can also get it. It helps you organize your writing and research all in one place and then export it to multiple formats. We shared how to use Scrivener in…
Month: August 2016
Apple iPad Pro 9 Months Later: Theotek Podcast #075
Our crew talked about our experiences in the last 9 months using the iPad Pro for our Bible study, preaching, and general work/play. Then we looked at Our Favorite Things. We planned to talk about Scrivener, a great writing tool that a few of our team members use. However, we went long talking about the…
Windows 10 Anniversary Update & Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Theotek Podcast #074
Microsoft released the Windows 10 Anniversary Update with a few cool new features for Windows 10 fans. Also Samsung tried to steal the thunder by announcing the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. We’ll talk about both stories and discuss our favorite things. Windows 10 Anniversary Update While most of our Theotek team runs on Mac most of the…