Accordance users will recognize that Dr. J. isn’t a basketball player from Philadelphia, but the guy who taught them most of what they know about Accordance Bible Software. He joined us to show off the Accordance 11.1 update.
Some of the things in this update include:
- Users can now more easily edit their User Notes and User Tools since the Edit Window got an overhaul
- Import Bibles with Unicode and expanded canons as well as non-biblical texts
- Syntax Tree and Graphical Constructs got an update
- Interlinear support enhanced
- Instant Details enhanced
- Add custom icons to the Accordance Library
- Link to content with the new URL (accord://) instead of http:// or ftp://
- Gesture support for trackpads and touchscreens while using images, Atlas or Timeline
- Print articles from the Table of Contents
- Incorporate MT-LXX data in Analysis window and related graphics
Learn more about them at the Accordance blog which also links to a more detailed post about the new features listed above and more.