accordance bible software 25 day switch

Accordance Bible Software 25-Day Switch: Observations

It’s been more than 25 days since I decided to use only Accordance Bible Software and Accordance Mobile for my Bible study needs. During that time I both enjoyed using Accordance and felt frustrated using Accordance. I really wanted to choose to switch over to Accordance as my primary Bible study tool. Here’s a list of the 3 reasons to choose Accordance over Logos.

accordance bible software 25 day switch

Accordance Bible Software Speed

Accordance runs faster than Logos. It starts faster, it takes less time to install and there’s no indexing stage that forces the user to step away from their computer. You can keep using Logos, but unless you own a super powerful computer, then it’s just better to step away for an hour or more. Once you install both systems, Accordance runs faster.

The mobile apps run similarly on tablets and phones. However, Accordance does pop to attention faster than Logos.

Accordance Bible Software Simplicity

On desktop and on mobile, the user interface looks simpler on Accordance. On mobile Accordance looks deceptively simple, but it’s still an advanced Bible study app.

The desktop apps both have incredible features with a high ceiling for Bible study users. You can start out as a avid Bible student. Then if God calls you to the ministry, a seminary student can grow into the more powerful features of both. Then, if you want to become a Biblical linguist or an Old Testament or New Testament scholar, you can’t find two more powerful programs.

With all the power contained in both programs, when a new user opens Accordance and Logos, they will not feel as lost in Accordance. It has the traditional File Explorer or Finder look with your folders of library book genres on the left and the contents of books on the right and a toolbar across the top.

Accordance Bible Software Cost and Library Simplicity

You can get a decent library for a decent price from both companies. However, the cost of ownership of Accordance is lower. You need less powerful hardware. The cost of books are similar, however to move from say Olive Tree or Wordsearch to Accordance will cost much less thanks to their crossgrade program. You can buy a book that you own in the other programs and pay far less with Accordance than Logos. Also, upgrades to the software comes with every feature in Accordance while Logos requires you to pay to get all the features. You don’t have to, but if you want them you’ll pay more.

Buying a commentary set in Logos and Accordance outright usually costs about the same. On occasion a publisher will give one company a special discount they don’t offer the other company’s customers. But that’s rare.

Logos Strengths

Understanding the above Accordance strengths, there are also some important strengths from Logos. I will outline those in the next article coming soon…


  1. Andy Young

    Looking forward to your next article on the strengths of Logos and to see if you made the 25 day switch permanent.

    • Same. I would love to hear the strengths of Logos. I use Accordance currently, and frankly, I love it. But if Logos offers something in user experience, simplicity, or powerful tools, I really would love to hear your thoughts!

  2. Eduardo Fergusson

    Hello! Waiting for the next entries, thank you!

    • Kevin

      Sorry. Life and ministry happened and I haven’t had time to update this series and it’s been well past the 25 days. Short story. I went back to Logos. Not because it’s necessarily better but I have a more complete library in it.

      • Eduardo Fergusson

        Totally understand the situation brother! Thank you for your reply and I look forward to read a little bit of the details when you have the time

  3. depdad

    Logos has purchased WORDsearch. Those who have WORDsearch will not only have all their books included in Logos, but will have many books included with their basic package. If you’ve used Logos for years, it would not be feasible to switch to Accordance without having to pay again for many of the books you already had in Logos. I’ve used WORDsearch and Logos for many years (10+). I tried Accordance, but the cost of switching was too much. You’re very much correct that Logos is hardware-intensive.

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