While switching to Accordance Bible Software for the next 25 days, I will use Accordance Mobile alone as my iPad Bible study app. How does it handle sermon prep?
Category: Digital Bible Study
All things related to studying the Bible using digital tools
Accordance Bible Software 25-Day Switch Part Two – Notes
During my Accordance Bible Software 25-Day Switch I’m trying to use the Accordance User Notes. How does it compare to my old go-to application, Logos?
Accordance Bible Software 25 Day Switch Part One
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Accordance, I’m trying to switch from Logos to Accordance. My Accordance Bible Software 25 Day Switch begins.
5 Best Kindle Fire Bible Apps
Would you like to find a great Kindle Fire Bible app? We’ve got the five best Kindle Fire Bible apps for you plus one app you should avoid for awhile.
Bible Software Choice: Power House or Simple Software
People with simple Bible study needs often pick the simple Bible programs and apps. They are easy to learn and cost less if anything. But will the app or program grow with the user? Can a powerhouse program help people with simple needs study the Bible as well as a the simple apps? We’ll take…
New 2018 Apple iPad Pro for Bible Study
The new 2018 Apple iPad Pro is getting a lot of love from reviewers. How well does it handle Bible study? We’ll look at it from a pastor’s perspective.
Print or Digital Bible App: Which One Is Best?
What kind of Bible should you use? Some believe the traditional print Bible has special value over digital Bibles. While others prefer to use a digital Bible a lot, most or even all the time. I have to admit I fall in the second group and only use my print Bibles on occasion. Strengths of…
Which Logos Bible App Should I Use on My Phone or Tablet
What Logos Bible App should I install on my device? When a new user enters the Apple App Store on their iPhone or iPad or the Google Play Store on their Android phone, tablet or Chromebook, they might search for Logos or Bible or Faithlife, if they know the name of the company that makes…
MyWSB Brings Wordsearch Bible Software to the Internet
Wordsearch has a new online Bible study website called MyWSB.com. How good is it and can you use it instead of their mobile apps?
Alternatives to BibleWorks – Shutting Down June 15
Many BibleWorks users got a shocking email on June 1 from the maker of one of the best original language Digital Bible Study tools on the market today. The email, which you can read on the BibleWorks website, included the following statement from owner Michael Bushell: A special note to our friends BibleWorks has been…