When we started the Theotek Podcast last year, we never thought about the kind of episode we present to you this week. When I invited our guest, I never expected what this week’s show turned out to include. I’m glad it turned out like it did, with big thanks to Tuan Dam our guest who helped…
Category: Featured
Featured posts
How to Preach from an iPad or Tablet
It’s very tempting to stop wasting paper in favor of digital notes displayed on an Apple iPad or some other tablet, like a Nexus 9 Android tablet or the new Microsoft Surface 3 or Surface Pro 3. I’ll show you how to preach from an iPad or other tablet. This includes the setup of a simple…
Christian Computing Magazine Acquired by Outreach
I got an interesting email last night from my editor Kevin Cross of Christian Computing Magazine. He told me that Outreach Magazine acquired us. If you’re not familiar with Outreach Magazine, they focus on publishing a magazine and website with ideas and products that try to give churches means to reach their community for Jesus…
Logos Cloud: A Subscription Based Online Bible Library
The idea of an online Bible study tool seems enticing to a lot of digital Bible students today. Logos Cloud is a subscription-based Bible study library for anywhere from $9/month to $100/month with the promise of a powerful online web app coming in the future. Are you interested in renting your theological library and using…
David Letterman and Traditional Preaching: End of Era
David Letter will end his tenure as the host of the Late Show with David Letterman this week. It will bring an end to an era for man of us who were fans of David Letterman back in his early days on NBC when he followed Johnny Carson and brought a young and hip brand…
BibleWorks 10 Demonstration: What’s New?
On our Theotek Podcast Dan Philips showed off the new features in BibleWorks 10. We hope you will watch the broadcast which we recorded on May 15, 2015 as we do every Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. ET. If you’re not familiar with BibleWorks, it’s a text focused and powerful Bible study tool. They don’t…
Theotek Podcast #023: Church Computer Buying Guide
The Microsoft Surface 3 came out and a couple of our team members got one. Rick Mansfield and I talk about our impressions of Microsoft’s new tablet and how it works as a Bible study tool. The Surface 3 discussions led us to talking about what kind of computer we recommend users buy for their…
Theotek Podcast #022: Apple Watch This
The Apple Watch is out and a few Bible apps wants to put the Bible on your watch. We talk about that and some other new developments in Bible software and more church tech on this week’s episode of the Theotek Podcast #022: Apple Watch This. LaRosa Johnson, a former regular on Theotek and a member of the…
Theotek Podcast #021: Our Favorite Software
Ministers use a lot of software in their ministry so we talk about our favorite tools and apps. We don’t include Bible software since we talk about that all the time. Check out lists in the comments of the YouTube video above. As always, we hope you will subscribe on YouTube, iTunes or Stitcher Radio…
Theotek Podcast #020: A Lot of Nice Toys Here
If you didn’t think we were a bunch of gadget freaks and geeks, you would after this week’s Theotek Podcast #020:Gosh, You’ve Really Got Some Nice Toys Here (Blade Runner reference intended). Each of team members talks about the tools, toys and gadgets they use in their lives a church and Bible tech geeks. Here’s the list…