Do you use a camera at your church? If so, then you’ll want to either watch or listen to the Theotek Podcast as we talk about church photo and video tools and tips. We welcomed a great church video expert, Matt Fridg fromĀ Church Video Coach. He knows a ton about church video solutions, from streaming your worship services online to creating video sermon illustrations or church videos to promote events or share your church’s story to members, visitors or potential attendees.

Matt wrote the following article about using DSLR cameras in church. He talked about the article and then gave some recommendations for better alternatives.
To do your live streaming, Matt mentioned as one solution. It’s priced a little higher than smaller churches might feel comfortable using. There’s also a few free options like Ustream, Livestream and now Facebook Live Video.
He’s more of a video expert than a church photo expert, but they’re closely related.
Our teamĀ also talked about our uses of church photo tools for worship images used in sermon illustrations or for promoting groups/events. We also like to use church photo albums in digital form for remembering big events in our churches.
Our Favorite Things
Rick talked about the new point-and-shoot camera he’s getting for his coming trip to China and the far east.
Matt recommended a great photography blog by photographer Chase Jarvis.
Wes and I both love the Christian satire and comedy blog, Babylon Bee.