ipad pro apple pencil

Apple iPad Pro 9 Months Later: Theotek Podcast #075

Our crew talked about our experiences in the last 9 months using the iPad Pro for our Bible study, preaching, and general work/play. Then we looked at Our Favorite Things. We planned to talk about Scrivener, a great writing tool that a few of our team members use. However, we went long talking about the iPad, so we’ll save that discussion for next week.

ipad pro apple pencil

In the meantime, watch or listen below to our thoughts on using the iPad Pro.

  • What’s it great for?
  • How could Apple improve it?
  • How does it compare to Surface Pro 4?
  • How are we using ours?
  • What does Wes think just hours into owning one?

For Our Favorite Things this week, I talked quickly about SideClick, a little remote attachment for streaming set-top boxes, like Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku. Check it out at their website.


  1. Hey guys! Neat site that fills a particular niche. I am looking for a PDF Bible, or Bible app that will allow me to mark up and write on the text with the Apple Pencil. Any ideas?

    • Kevin

      There are several copies of the KJV or other public domain PDF files on the Internet. Do a search for PDF and KJV and you’ll find them. You can also get a version of the Bible for OneNote. You can load it in the desktop version of OneNote, if you have that, and use it on the iPad version by syncing it through OneDrive. It’s at BibleNote.pro.

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