After stating on more than one occasion that I’d never get an Apple Watch, guess what I did? I got an Apple Watch. It was under some unusual circumstances and I still don’t think it’s worth the $400 ($350 for the smaller version) price tag Apple put on it. This cost will also run up the price of other Smartwatches, which I don’t like. Find out what I think by watching or listening to episode 36 of the Theotek Podcast below.
The other things we discussed include Logos 6.5, which recently came out. Wes recommended Scapple, a nice mind mapping program. It’s not really mind mapping, but that’s the closest description to what Scapple does.
In a bit of congnitive dissonence I also upgraded to a Google Nexus 6 smartphone. I talk a little about that decision as well. Finally, we chat about Church website SEO based on an article from Church Tech Today.