logos march matchups

Logos March Matchups Starts Today with Big Savings

I love March Madness. I used to find a set of NCAA basketball brackets and fill them out. Then I’d watch as many NCAA college basketball games as I could find time to watch. The Logos March Matchups comes along at the same time to promote Logos Bible Software.

logos march matchups clash of commentaries

Logos March Matchups promotes the software to customers with some deals on commentaries during the March Madness season. Logos started the promotion today, and you can start voting on which books you want to be discounted. By the way, the above link is an affiliate link. That means if you use it to buy books, then you’ll help me out since Logos gives me a kickback.

How Logos March Matchups Works

You can participate and vote on what books they offer at the best prices. The College Basketball March Madness works like this: they rank teams in four sections from 1 to 16. The best teams are ranked 1 with the weaker teams ranked 16. Take four groups of 16 and you get 64.

Each group of sixteen plays a single-elimination tournament. The winner gets to compete in the Final Four. That’s the four winners of the four 16-team tournaments.

Logos does the same, putting 64 commentary sets in a bracket. Instead of playing a game, they let people vote on which commentary sets they want to receive the steepest discount. Since they start with 64 sets, they pair them up in 32 polls in the first round. The sets that voters choose move on to the second round. In that round, Logos pairs 32 sets and 16 can win based on the votes of users. This continues to the third round with 16 teams, the fourth round with 8 teams, the final four, and the final pair. By the end, voters pick one commentary set to get the steepest discount.

Buyers get smaller discounts in the earlier rounds. The final winning commentary set will cost 60% less after March 22, the end of the tournament.

What Can Users Vote On?

Buyers can get the “Hall of Fame” commentary set, the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament, for 40% off today. You don’t have to wait for the end of the Logos March Matchups tournament. Here’s how Logos describes this work:

This massive collection combines the available New International Commentary (NIC) volumes covering the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament to provide an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This conviction, shared by all contributors to New International Commentary (NIC), defines the goal of this ambitious series of commentaries.

The brackets for the Logos March Matchups tournament show the following commentary sets…

the logos march matchups brackets

Here’s my list of recommendations from each division of the brackets.

Division 1 – This section includes the New American Commentary series, my favorite set of commentaries. However, a lot of people like Word Biblical Commentary, so I think it may win the division. However, consider the Lexham Geographic Commentaries. Logos says, “The Lexham Geographic Commentaries deliver fresh insight by drawing attention to an often overlooked component of biblical stories—their geographical setting.”

Division 2 – I expect that Evangelical Exegetical Commentary will win this division. It’s a critical commentary written by and for Evangelicals. They focused on creating a digital tool. The other set that should challenge for the win is the Pillar New Testament Commentary. It’s slightly less technical that some commentary sets making it a nice choice for preachers or teachers not doing scholarly work.

Division 3The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series should take this division. In fact I’ll call it now.

Division 4 – Either the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Collection or Anchor Yale Bible Commentary will take this part of the bracket. However, I’d prefer The IVP New Testament Commentary Series.

The final round should result in either Word or EEC winning it all. What do you think? Answer below to tell me what your favorite commentary is and which one you think will win it all.

Fans of Mobile Education and Verbum will also enjoy their own bracket.


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