To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Accordance, I’m trying to switch from Logos to Accordance. My Accordance Bible Software 25 Day Switch begins.
Tag: Accordance Bible Software
Accordance 11.1 Update with Dr. J: Theotek Podcast #045
Accordance users will recognize that Dr. J. isn’t a basketball player from Philadelphia, but the guy who taught them most of what they know about Accordance Bible Software. He joined us to show off the Accordance 11.1 update. Some of the things in this update include: Users can now more easily edit their User Notes…
Accordance Masters: Theotek Podcast #037
Accordance users or beginning Accordance users will love this edition of the Theotek Podcast – Master Accordance 11: Theotek Podcast #037. This came because my Ministry Tech Magazine article of a similar name came out this past week. Check out the article and read it while watching the YouTube video below. We also have a…
Theotek Podcast #030: Herodian Drone
Accordance Bible Software just released a cool new resource that looks like a drone flew over Israel during ancient times and gives users an aerial view. It also shows some 3D constructions of things like Herod’s temple. We got an exclusive first look on the Theotek Podcast. I was away in a hotel and had to…