I got an interesting email last night from my editor Kevin Cross of Christian Computing Magazine. He told me that Outreach Magazine acquired us. If you’re not familiar with Outreach Magazine, they focus on publishing a magazine and website with ideas and products that try to give churches means to reach their community for Jesus…
Tag: BibleWorks 10
BibleWorks 10 Demonstration: What’s New?
On our Theotek Podcast Dan Philips showed off the new features in BibleWorks 10. We hope you will watch the broadcast which we recorded on May 15, 2015 as we do every Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. ET. If you’re not familiar with BibleWorks, it’s a text focused and powerful Bible study tool. They don’t…
BbileWorks 10 Arrives – Get a Free Book
BibleWorks, one of the best scholarly original language Bible study tools available, got a big update to BibleWorks 10. The company is also partnering with Crossway to give away a free book for people who order in the first wave. BibleWorks puts the Bible at the heart at its user-interface. They give users a quick…