I’m not an artist, but I use visual tools to make my sermons more interesting. Let’s take a look at the best tools for Visual Preaching in order to bring your sermons to life and appeal to all ages while you preach. Visual Preaching – What It Means? In the Matthew visual Bible, actor Bruce…
Tag: church
Look Back to the Future: Theotek Podcast #050
On this week’s episode we look back to 2015 and think about what were the biggest stories affecting church and Bible technology. We also look ahead at 2016 and try to predict what the headlines will be at the end of the new year. Give it a listen below or watch on YouTube above. If…
Theotek Podcast #029: Moving Picture Show
We talked about using video in church on episode 29 of the Theotek Podcast. When is it a good idea and how can we do a better job. Here’s the video from YouTube that you can watch and enjoy. Below, please help us by posting your comments on great times to use video in church….
Theotek Podcast #023: Church Computer Buying Guide
The Microsoft Surface 3 came out and a couple of our team members got one. Rick Mansfield and I talk about our impressions of Microsoft’s new tablet and how it works as a Bible study tool. The Surface 3 discussions led us to talking about what kind of computer we recommend users buy for their…
What a Tech Podcaster Can Teach Pastors about Leadership
Mike Elgan, the news director for Twit.tv wrote an article about the lessons he’s learned about leadership while serving as the anchor of This Week In Tech’s daily tech news podcast. I read the article and decided that his lessons apply to pastors too. Here’s what a tech podcaster can teach pastors about leadership in the local church….
Online Church?
Church today takes on many forms, from the traditional collection of members meeting regularly in a building to house churches that gather in a living room or even churches in coffee shops, restaurants or other public places. But can a church go online and still keep the biblical requirements for church? Paul Alan Clifford from Trinity…
5 Tips for Preaching with PowerPoint – #1 and 2
Ten years ago when I finished my Doctor of Ministry Dissertation, Using Multimedia in Expository Preaching, many churches already used projection systems even back then to display song lyrics, announcements, photo slide shows of church activities and for preaching with PowerPoint. In 2015 the projector and screen shows up in most church worship spaces, even…