I think I’ll shut down KevinPurcell.org and Theotek. Or maybe I won’t. Anyway, here’s what coming from this site and my writing here.
Tag: theotek
Morris Proctor MPSeminars.com Logos Bible Software Training Review
If you use Logos Bible Software, you should consider Morris Proctors MPSeminars.com. I review this training subscription service here and on YouTube. See my video and read the review here.
6 Tips for Productivity in Ministry
You can waist time or excel at productivity in ministry. We have 6 tips to find the right balance between productivity without workaholism.
How to Subscribe to Podcasts in Your Favorite App
If you want to enjoy the new Theotek podcast, we’ll show you how to subscribe to podcasts in various apps or with an RSS link.
The New Theotek is Back – Find Out Where You Can Listen
The new Theotek is back. This time we’re going all-in with an audio podcast only. No video this time around. Find out where you can find us and what’s included.
Accordance 13 Upgrade with 8 Exciting New Tools [Video]
Accordance Bible Software recently updated their advanced Bible software to Accordance 13. It comes with some incredible new features to make this powerful Bible software package even more useful. Check out the brief descriptions of 8 new features demonstrated in the included video. Mark Allison and Rick Mansfield joined me on Theotek on Youtube. Accordance…
Creative Tools for Ministry: Theotek Podcast #103
If you work on a website for your church or ministry or if you create images, videos or art for worship, then this podcast is for you. We talked about the creative tools that we use and what we think of Adobe’s recent update to their Creative Cloud suite. Plus watch the podcast to find…
iPhone X First Look: Theotek Extra
Rick Mansfield got in line early on launch day and snagged an iPhone X. We wanted to get a look, so we recorded this Theotek Extra. Here it is for your enjoyment.
Made by Google: Theotek Podcast #102
Google took to the state and announced a slew of new gadgets for geeks like us to drool over. In this episode of the Theotek Podcast, we talked about the new Google tools. We had some strong opinions about them so watch below or listen at the bottom of this post. In all Google announced…
Apple iPhone 8 and iPhone X Announced: Theotek Podcast #101
Apple announced all their new gear a couple of weeks ago. Our team talked about the new iPhone 8 and iPhone X. We’ll also talked about Apple TV and Apple Watch. Watch below or listen at the bottom of this post. Apple Products Pricing and Availability The new Apple products made it to store shelves…