How can technology help in your small group ministry? We examined some ways that tech can help you with a more dynamic small group discipleship ministry. This focused on three areas, content, organization and the small group meeting time.
In our discussion of using tech in small groups ministry, we got the following recommendations:
- Consider using digital study materials since they are easier to distribute and in the case of free resources easy to share using something like an online storage or sharing tool.
- A flipped classroom approach where the group members watch a lecture or video at home and then come together to discuss it focuses more on discussion and relationships instead of putting one person at the center of the group.
- Shared calendars help keep everyone together for meeting times and reminders about tasks they’re asked to do before meetings or after meetings.
- Use some sort of community builder software especially if your church small group has access to a Church Management System.
- Facebook Groups or Slack Chat can help with communication among the group.
- Use a service like Call Them All to get word to group members quickly, if you don’t use the previous things on this list.
- Set up reminders in iOS or Android for daily devotions or other regular activities that group members need to do.
- You could even use Google Hangouts to host the group online like we do with the Theotek Podcast.

We also took a look at the Google Pixel XL Phone. I shared my early review after a week’s uses.
The things that set this phone apart include the following:
- Great battery with longer than all-day life
- A nice AMOLED screen
- Excellent camera (see image below)
- Fast Snapdragon 821 processor
- Excellent build quality
- USB Type-C charging
- Android Nougat 7.1

In Our Favorite Things, we got recommendations from Antoine and LaRosa. Here’s what they offered.
OURA Smart Ring

The OURA Smart Ring focuses on health over communication. In fact it doesn’t offer notifications. Instead the sensors in the ring track your health using things like sleep, activity, heart rate, body temp, and your movement. The companion app will give you recommendations based on what it finds.
The OURA Smart Ring isn’t cheap at $300. It comes in three styles. Antoine Wright loves his and recommends it despite the cost.
Moxiware Apple Pencil Magnet

LaRosa’s a recent Apple iPad Pro buyer and so he recommended something to help him hold his Apple Pencil. The Moxiware Apple Pencil Magnet is like a sleeve that slides on to the Apple Pencil and magnetically grabs hold of the iPad Pro, kind of like the Surface Pen with Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book line and their new Surface Studio desktop they just announced. The Magnet’s not that expensive at only $16.95.