As I posted late last week, Logos launched a new service called Logos Now that includes a beta web app. WORDsearch also launched a new version of their online site that replaces My Study Bible, which made the Top 6 favorite Bible study sites. We talk about online Bible study sites and go more in-depth with Logos Now, to name a few things we discussed in this week’s edition of the Theotek Podcast. See it below.
To learn more about Logos Now or MyWSB click those links.
If you want to listen to the audio version of our podcast, use the audio player below or subscribe to it on iTunes or Stitcher.
Finally, let me introduce you to Rick Mansfield. Rick joins us from Accordance Bible Software. He’s lives in Kentucky and knows a lot about tech and Bible software. He joined us a couple of times as an official spokesperson from Accordance, but now he will put on the neutral observer hat for us on Fridays as the fourth member of the Theotek Team. Rick blogs at and Tweets using @thislamp.