Church websites and their social media presence can have a positive or negative impact on the church. The Theotek Podcast #033 dealt with this subject.

Our team included Rick Mansfield of and Antoine Wright from the Mobile Ministry Magazine and me, columnist with Ministry Tech Magazine (formerly Christian Computing Magazine). Hopefully this was the last week without Wes Allen, the tech director for the American Baptist Church of New Jersey.
In the first segment of the Theotek Podcast we talked about the problems with church websites, using my church’s woefully ignored website as a bad example of letting a site flounder with little fresh content. We discussed tips for not letting that happen. Then we looked at the subject of social media and how it can help put a fresh face on the church’s online presence. And finally, don’t count out email newsletters. They can still give churches a useful way to communicate with the congregation.
We also talked about our 5 Commandments for Online Communication, which we discussed during our 15th episode.
You’ll find the Theotek Podcast on my YouTube channel. Please go their and subscribe. The audio version gets uploaded and you can listen using the player below or by subscribing to it on iTunes or Stitcher Radio, which also distributes it to almost all the major podcasting apps on mobile devices. Get the links on our the Theotek page of this website.