I interviewed Antoine Wright, one of the co-hosts of the Theotek Podcast. Antoine’s a mobile tech and mobile ministry expert. He’s a consultant to believers and churches in using mobile tech to communicate the Gospel. He also helps people and companies with their user-interface design and other general tech topics.
This is the first in a 5-part interview series with our co-hosts on the Theotek Podcast.
Be sure to listen or watch all the way to the end since we ended with our Theotek Quiz, a 7-part questionnaire meant to help people learn more about the subject being interviewed. It’s a fun way to get to know our guests.
Follow Antoine on Twitter at @arjwright.
My #CES2017 Pieces
Report: https://t.co/9Gt7Ll8N8N@TheotekPodcast: https://t.co/lupTFlQkIH@ChurchTechToday: https://t.co/AhLUO7zitr
— Antoine RJ Wright (@ARJWright) January 23, 2017